Search Results - richard+howard

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Earable Sensing: Bringing Intelligence to All Headphones
Fig. 1. The HeadFi prototype. The core components are two resistors and thus can be easily miniaturized and embedded into a smartphone or bluetooth headset as an integrated circuit. Invention Summary: Headphones continue to gain intelligence as new functions are added to them. Existing smart headphones, however, heavily rely on auxiliary sensors...
Published: 7/28/2022   |   Inventor(s): Richard Howard, Xiaoran Fan
Keywords(s): Electronics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Electronics/Semiconductor
Signal Transmission Enabling Secret Communications
Invention Summary: Most modern secure communications systems today use cryptography to make a message unintelligible to an eavesdropper. This process coms with a cost: it lowers the maximum data rate, and can be computationally expensive. In addition, it requires complex encryption key sharing and management systems. Researchers at Rutgers University...
Published: 12/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Xiaoran Fan, Yanyong Zhang, Wade Trappe, Richard Howard
Keywords(s): Networks
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Telecommunications & Networking, Technology Classifications > Energy & Battery