Search Results - rui+li

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High Voltage TFT On Glass For Solar Inverters
(a) Transfer Characteristics of MZO HVTFTs. (b) Blocking capability and ON-performance of HVTFTs Schematic diagrams of a ring structure are shown. Invention Summary: Various materials have been tried for fabricating high voltage thin film transistors (HVTFTs), including amorphous-Si, poly-Si, and organic materials. However, these TFTs all have...
Published: 7/28/2022   |   Inventor(s): Yicheng Lu, WeN-Chiang Hong, ChieH-Jen Ku, Kuang Sheng, Rui Li
Keywords(s): Photonics and photovoltaics, Renewable & Solar Energy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Electronics/Semiconductor, Technology Classifications > Energy & Battery