Invention Summary:
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of deaths worldwide. Arterial elasticity is an important indicator of existing cardiovascular risks of developing CVDs. Reduced arterial elasticity or increased arterial stiffness is known to be associated with hypertension, myocardial infarction and stroke. Being able to measure changes in arterial elasticity is crucial to the early detection of CVDs and successful treatments of these diseases subsequently. Arterial elasticity can be estimated from pulse transit time (PTT) or pulse wave velocity (PWV) measured by ultrasound or photoplethysmography devices.
Rutgers scientists have developed a simple but sensitive method to assess arterial elasticity of a person by monitoring his/her heart rate variability (HRV). This method measures beat-to-beat intervals (RRIs), and based on the changes of the RRI spectra in response to paced sighing at a specific frequency, information on arterial elasticity can be obtained. This method, in a study with young (18-24 years old) healthy participants, has shown that binge drinkers, who are known to have underlying cardiovascular conditions, have increased arterial stiffness as compared to non-drinkers or social drinkers.
This method can be easily integrated into existing physiological monitoring devices for daily monitoring of arterial elasticity and psychophysiological states such as stress.
Market Applications:
- Assessment of arterial elasticity
- Assessment of stress level
- Simple
- Convenient
- Easy integration into existing physiological monitoring system
Intellectual Property & Development Status:
Patent pending, available for licensing and/or research collaboration.