Invention Summary:
This is the first air sampler for airborne viruses, bacteria, mold or pollen (i.e. bioaerosol) that does not need an air mover or power source of any kind (i.e. passive). It can be easily applied anywhere in indoor and outdoor environments providing representative data on ambient levels of bioaerosols and also other particulate matter. The sampler can be used in any area and for personal applications, where it can be worn by clipping it onto a shirt collar for applications such as widespread airport bioterrorism monitoring or for asthma or allergy sufferers to determine what allergens they are exposed to.
The collection substrate of the sampler is comprised of a permanently polarized ferroelectric polymer film, which electrostatically attracts bioaerosol and other particles from the air onto its surface. Airborne bioaerosol particles are particularly well suited to this electrostatic collection method because they carry a relatively high electrical charge. Captured particles are easily washed from the film and assayed.
Market Application:
Personal and area exposure monitoring with sensitivity to airborne biologics is important in industrial, agriculture, homeland security, and health related applications. This technology is particularly important in health related applications for which long-term trend monitoring across a broad landscape is desired or for personal exposure monitoring.
Small, fully customizable size and shape, ease of manufacture, does not inactivate sampled microbes. Does not require a device to pull air through the sample or external power. Can place sampler anywhere for any length of time.
Intellectual Property & Development Status:
Prototypes available for inspection. Provisional patent filed and available for licensing and/or research collaboration.