Solidification Material for Soil Remediation

Comparison of triaxial CU strength for the mixture with Rutgers composition and Portland Cement

Invention Summary:

Industrialization has led to widespread environmental pollution over the past few decades. Due to the lack of effective treatment of toxic agents, they often precipitate into soil and sometimes further elute into water streams. This contaminated soil needs to be treated and stabilized to prevent harmful contaminants from leaching into waterways and ground aquifers.

Rutgers researchers and collaborators have developed a novel solidification material for soil remediation. The pozzolanic mixture has excellent strength developing property at low temperature, and a large suppressing effect on the elution of toxic compounds including arsenic. When compared to commercially available binder, such as Portland cement, the strength gaining capacity is higher while the cost of manufacturing is lower. The dredged or excavated soil containing arsenic, after solidification, can form a new sediment or concrete material as a foundation for construction of private or public buildings, parks, and lots.

Market Applications:

  • Remove harmful toxic agents from soil/groundwater
  • Construction or building materials


  • Suppressing the elution of toxic materials from the soil
  • Can be cured at low temperature
  • High strength developing property
  • Made from cheap and readily available materials

Intellectual Property & Development Status:

Patent pending. Available for licensing and/or research collaboration.

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Shu Wang
Licensing Manager
Rutgers University
Cleaning/Disinfecting Products