Search Results - pest+control

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Use of purified Epichloë festucae antifungal protein for dollar spot control on turfgrass
­ ​ ​ Invention Summary: The dollar spot disease is a major challenge for turfgrass fields, especially golf courses. The commonly used solution to control this disease is fungicides, which can be hazardous and limited in effectiveness; thus, the need for an alternative solution is imminent. Rutgers researchers in the department of...
Published: 6/29/2022   |   Inventor(s): Faith Belanger, Bruce Clarke, Patrick Fardella
Keywords(s): Pest control, Proteins
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agriculture, Technology Classifications > Ag Biotech
UAV-based Delivery of Solid Insecticide
Invention Summary: Mosquito borne diseases constitute more than half a billion illnesses and over a million deaths yearly. Wide-scale mosquito pesticide and larvicide dispersion (e.g., aerial dispersion) is no longer a viable option due to 1) posing public health concerns, and 2) urban area expansion into mosquito habitats, making mosquito control untenable....
Published: 12/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Randy Gaugler, Gregory Williams, Yi Wang
Keywords(s): Aerospace, Pest control
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agriculture, Technology Classifications > Pest Control, Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering
New Non-Membrane Feeding Device And Diet Formulation For Mosquito Colony Production
Efficacy of artificial diets (BSA 10% and BSA 20%) for 10 generations of Aedes albopictus mosquito. These diets were prepared with distilled water and used in the new dietary system. For the blood feeding, the live guinea pig was used as a control. Mosquito feeding status on the new dietary system. (A) unfed, (B) half fed and (C) full fed. Arrow shows...
Published: 12/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Randy Gaugler, Devi Suman, Kshitij Chandel, Yi Wang
Keywords(s): Animal feed, Pest control
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agriculture, Technology Classifications > Pest Control, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Animal Health & Care
Dimeric Diagnostic DNA Arrays for Pathogen Detection and Identification
A 7 times higher signal intensity was obtained for the dimeric probes D and the dimeric probes with a 10-adenine spacer DA compared to conventional monomeric probes M.Invention Summary:Rutgers scientists have developed a unique and pioneering technology for detection and identification of important pathogens in the form of a macroarray diagnostic technology...
Published: 12/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Ning Zhang
Keywords(s): Pest control
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agriculture, Technology Classifications > Pest Control
Autodissemination of an Insect-Growth Regulator for Mosquito Management
Invention Summary:Rutgers scientists have developed an insecticide (e.g, pyriproxyfen) autodissemination station that topically contaminates oviposition-seeking mosquitoes in such a manner that the mosquitoes then bring the active control agent back to their breeding locations for control of container-inhabiting mosquitoes in urban environments, particularly...
Published: 12/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Randy Gaugler, Yi Wang, Devi Suman
Keywords(s): Pest control
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agriculture, Technology Classifications > Pest Control