Search Results - spectroscopy

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Detection of Permeation of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) Through Membranes
In-situ gas membrane permeation detection setup Invention Summary:In the design of protective barriers against chemical warfare agents or toxic industrial chemicals, reliable and rapid detection of the permeation of chemicals through the barriers is of paramount importance. Researchers at Rutgers University have developed a novel method for the in-situ...
Published: 12/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Alexander Neimark, George Tsilomelekis, JONATHAN COLON
Keywords(s): Machines & Instruments, Sensors & Probes, Spectroscopy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering
Low Profile Transfer Mechanism for Controlled Environments
Invention Summary:Various scientific and manufacturing processes are performed in special controlled environments (e.g., ultra-high vacuum, high radiation, air-stable, etc.) that require special chambers that maintain the desired environment. A device such as a superconducting magnet or cryostat is housed within the chamber that requires objects to...
Published: 12/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Guohong Li, Eva Andrei
Keywords(s): Imaging, Machines & Instruments, Spectroscopy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Research Tools