Detection of Permeation of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) Through Membranes

        In-situ gas membrane permeation detection setup

Invention Summary:

In the design of protective barriers against chemical warfare agents or toxic industrial chemicals, reliable and rapid detection of the permeation of chemicals through the barriers is of paramount importance.

Researchers at Rutgers University have developed a novel method for the in-situ detection of the chemical permeation through membranes, coupled with molecular spectroscopy. It has been demonstrated that in-situ Raman Spectroscopy provides high accuracy and significantly reduces the testing time.  Further, the permeation cells can be customized for both liquid and vapor compounds.


Market Applications:

  • Protective barriers design
  • Auxiliary device for spectroscopic infrastructure
  • Separation membrane design


  • High accuracy
  • Short testing time
  • Compact permeation cell
  • Compatible with a wide variety of spectroscopic instrumentation (Raman, IR, UV)

Intellectual Property & Development Status:

Patent pending. Available for licensing and/or research collaboration.


Colon-Ortiz et al. Journal of Membrane Science. 2020, 595, 117462

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Shu Wang
Licensing Manager
Rutgers University
Machines & Instruments
Sensors & Probes