Search Results - adam+gormley

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Novel ChABC formulation with machine learning-guided automation
​ ​ Invention Summary: Spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to the formation of scar tissue. The scarring leads to the toughening of the extracellular matrix, or the cellular environment. One of the major concerns of SCI is the prevention of neuronal connection recovery, which can lead to paralysis or reduced control of the nervous system. For...
Published: 8/18/2022   |   Inventor(s): Adam Gormley, Matthew Tamasi, Shashank Kosuri, Michael Webb, Carlos Borca, Roshan Patel
Keywords(s): Biomaterials, Polymers & Composites, Proteins, Spinal Cord
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biomaterials, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Polymers/Composites/Materials, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics
A Platform Approach for Free Radical-Mediated Targeted Therapeutic Delivery
Invention Summary:Various pathological states including tissue injuries, inflammation, degenerative diseases and cancer are frequently associated with elevated free radicals, such as reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. These locally-generated free radicals are extremely reactive and are known to damage cells and tissues to exacerbate the pathology....
Published: 12/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): David Shreiber, Christopher Lowe, Emily DiMartini, Adam Gormley
Keywords(s): Drug Delivery
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics